
The Essence of Deep Practice + How to Diagnose and Address Your Practice Weaknesses

“In a single sentence, what is the essence of effective practice?” With a clear goal in mind, you consistently...

What to Do When You Don’t Feel Like Practicing

“I don’t feel like practicing.”  I feel you, my friend.  It happens to all of us sometimes.  Maybe even...

How to Overcome Frustration with Your Guitar Practice… 100% of the Time

Frustration is optional. Progress is inevitable. Here’s what I do to (almost) never feel frustrated with my guitar practice…...

Are You All Over the Place When You Practice?

The Freedom and Power of Extreme Specificity Extreme specificity frees you to put all of your attention to the...

Smoothing Out Bad Habits in Your Playing That Are Holding Back… and Replacing them with Good Ones

“I’ve been playing for 27 years and my playing still stinks because of my bad habits. How do I...

You Don’t Need Music Theory to Create Music

“Go with the flow.” This is a worn and tired expression. But like many cliches and platitudes, it’s got...

Install Skills While You Sleep

Sleep is arguably the most essential part of the skill development process. And it’s both the least prioritized and the most compromised (by...

Have No Time to Practice Guitar?

Are you struggling to squeeze in guitar practice while juggling a day job, kids, wife, and side hustle? You...

Losing Interest in the Guitar?

Half the time, I hate the guitar.  But other than that, I have a passionate love affair with the...

8 min read

How to Effectively Integrate New Techniques into Your Playing

You’ve spent hours and hours on learning a new technique.  You’ve drilled it nearly to the point of making...

14 min read

The Six Forces That Can Kill Your Progress on the Guitar

Are one of these six powerful forces (or emotions) killing your progress on the guitar?

5 min read

Increasing Speed by Sustaining Bursts

Stuck at the same speed? Do this… You know how you can burst into high speeds for a second...

WTF! (How to Turn Comparison into Inspiration)

I remember once posting a clip of me playing a monstrous riff that I learned from the illustrious Rick...

6 min read

Practice is the Point.

Over the years, I’ve asked nearly 6,000 guitarists what their goals are. “Music Theory” “Playing songs by ear” “Sweep Picking” “Chord Progressions”“Soloing”“Shredding...

How to Fix a Tenacious Trouble Spot

Have you ever practiced something a thousand times and still can’t play it as well as you’d like? How...

15 min read

How to Avoid Getting Sick (or Recover Quickly if You Do!)

Getting sick is no small thing when it comes to maintaining and continuing your progress on the guitar (or any project...

20 min read

Get Back Up: How to Bounce Back Fast After Falling Off the Tracks

Get back to practice before you lose your progress! : “Hello, my friend.  Today I wanted to talk...

Should You Be Better at the Guitar than You Currently Are?

: So one of the challenges and frustrations that I’ve been encountering from a lot of players lately...

3 min read

How to Learn Songs on the Guitar Fast

This is my process for tackling songs, and it allows me to pull it off within 7 days (or...

7 min read