
All Masters Have This One Thing in Common… and It’s the Main Thing Amateurs Avoid

Problem: Developing skills on the guitar is difficult, but it’s deceptively straightforward. We complicate it constantly. We get ahead...

What to Do When You Don’t Feel Like Practicing

“I don’t feel like practicing.”  I feel you, my friend.  It happens to all of us sometimes.  Maybe even...

Are You Squandering Your Potential?

Do you ever feel like your life is one long soap opera of squandered potential? I have come to believe that...

The Unappreciated, Much-Aligned, Essential Ally in Skill Development and Mastery

Time is key to skill development. But even deeper… it’s a formidable ally that has worked with the human...

How to Overcome Frustration with Your Guitar Practice… 100% of the Time

Frustration is optional. Progress is inevitable. Here’s what I do to (almost) never feel frustrated with my guitar practice…...

Are You All Over the Place When You Practice?

The Freedom and Power of Extreme Specificity Extreme specificity frees you to put all of your attention to the...

Keep a Schedule or Your Skills Will Degenerate

We have a unique challenge if we are sheltering in place or locked down right now. And I keep seeing...

2 min read

What Brings Out Your Best… or Worst?

: If you are not exposing yourself to the people who bring out your best, and you’re not using...

9 min read

Losing Interest in the Guitar?

Half the time, I hate the guitar.  But other than that, I have a passionate love affair with the...

8 min read