Problem: Developing skills on the guitar is difficult, but it’s deceptively straightforward. We complicate it constantly. We get ahead...
“I don’t feel like practicing.” I feel you, my friend. It happens to all of us sometimes. Maybe even...
Do you ever feel like your life is one long soap opera of squandered potential? I have come to believe that...
Time is key to skill development. But even deeper… it’s a formidable ally that has worked with the human...
Frustration is optional. Progress is inevitable. Here’s what I do to (almost) never feel frustrated with my guitar practice…...
The Freedom and Power of Extreme Specificity Extreme specificity frees you to put all of your attention to the...
We have a unique challenge if we are sheltering in place or locked down right now. And I keep seeing...
: If you are not exposing yourself to the people who bring out your best, and you’re not using...
Half the time, I hate the guitar. But other than that, I have a passionate love affair with the...